The Crystal River Valley
Non-Profit Food Co-Op
An Organic Food Pantry in Western Colorado
Our Initial Mission is to provide artisan handcrafted Organic Sourdough bread to our local community’s three local PK-8 schools, the local High School, their parents and the food-challenged recipients of The Somerset Food Bank as an effective step in reducing and the outright reversal of the three most prominent health disorders of our times: Obesity, Cancer, and Diabetes.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to provide artisan handcrafted Organic Sourdough bread to our community’s three local PK-8 schools, the local High School, their parents, the Somerset Food Bank, and others as an effective means toward achieving the reduction, reversal and elimination of Obesity, Cancer, and Diabetes. We have found that demonstrating on a “Taste and See” basis the value of local-organic food and providing peer-reviewed educational material is an effective method of gaining political support to bring about change in the Colorado School Lunch Program.

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The Free Lunch program is the foundation of our effort. Joining that as development progresses will be the following:

Educational Classes
Educational Classes
Informational classes for the parents and students regarding recipes, and preparation in the home for their entire families with deeply discounted organic, locally produced fresh food.

Provision of Science-Based Research into Diet, Exercise, and Integrative Medical Protocols

We intend to provide educational alternative and integrative science-based medicinal research relating to diet and exercise classes for the education of the whole community, hopefully in collaboration with other professionals currently actively engaged.

Ripe Market
The Establishment of Non-Profit Food Stores

The establishment of a true 'non-profit' food store that will provide the hard-working young element in our community quality food at 'cost' while providing all with organic, locally produced when possible, food at a 'cost plus' and 'pay what you can' price.

My mum’s tomatoes
Establishment of 'Year-Round' Food Growth Greenhouses on the School Campuses

The establishment of Year-Round Growth Greenhouses so as provide a reliable source of food 'on site' for consumption, teaching purposes, and student participation. This effort is modeled after Alice Waters' The Edible Schoolyard Project. 

We welcome your inquiry...

Contact Bill Shepherd
Landline: 970-527-9103
Mobile: 360-301-1114